
Farranmacbride#12, 2021, Oil on Canvas, 76 x 122cm.

A series of paintings worked from the Farranmacbride Court Tomb in Gleann Cholm Cille, Co Donegal.

Court tombs were the earliest of the neolithic monuments in the landscape dating from around 5,000 years ago.

The site is known locally a 'Mainnear na Mortlaidhe' - the Enclosure of the Dead'

There hasn't always been a respect for a historical basis for Irish art. This written the 1800's:  'who could only discern, in the long vista of Ireland's past history, some faint shadowings of naked unskilled savages, lurking in the obscurity of primeval forests, or basking in their lairs, ignorant of every art'

Farranmacbride#8, 2021, Oil on Canvas, 60 x 70cm.

Farranmacbride#9, 2021, Oil on Canvas, 60 x 70cm.

Farranmacbride#10, 2021, Oil on Canvas, 60 x 90cm.

Farranmacbride#11, 2021, Oil on Canvas, 50 x 40cm.